Teresa Mangum
Teresa Mangum was a professor in GWSS and the Director of the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies. Her research and teaching focus on the ways literature and art, especially in nineteenth-century Britain, shaped readers’ understanding of women, of late life, and of connections between humans and other animals. She also writes and teaches about current issues: publicly engaged pedagogy, the place of service in an academic career, graduate student placement, and the digital humanities.
Mangum is the author of Married, Middle-brow, and Militant: Sarah Grand and the New Woman Novel (1998); editor of A Cultural History of Women: Volume 5: The Age of Empire, 1800-1920 (Berg 2013); and guest editor of special issues of Philological Quarterly, Nineteenth-Century Contexts, Victorians Periodical Review, and the Journal of Aging Studies. With Anne Valk of Brown University, she co-edits the book series Humanities in Public Life for the University of Iowa Press.
She has been awarded the British Women Writers Association Biennial Award for Contributions to the Study of British Women Writers (2010), the UI President and Provost Award for Teaching Excellence (2004), the UI Brody Award for Service to the university and state of Iowa (2008), and the Humane Society Animal and Society Course Award for Innovation in 2005.