Earn your Minor in Gender, Women's, & Sexuality Studies

The minor in gender, women's, and sexuality studies requires a minimum of 15 s.h. in course work, including at least 12 s.h. completed at the University of Iowa. Students must take GWSS:1001 Introduction to Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies and 12 s.h. in courses numbered 2000 or above. Students may count GWSS:1002 Diversity and Power in the U.S. toward the 12 s.h. requirement.

Students must maintain a g.p.a. of at least 2.00 in all courses for the minor and in all UI courses for the minor. Course work for the minor may not be taken pass/nonpass. Students may count a maximum of 3 s.h. of work in courses focused on gender and/or sexuality for another University of Iowa major, minor, or certificate toward the GWSS minor.

How to Declare a Minor

To declare or change a minor, go to the student records page in ISIS or visit CLAS Undergraduate Programs, 120 Schaeffer Hall. Declaring a minor in ISIS will trigger a degree audit for that minor, which will be available on ISIS the following business day (Monday through Friday). To view your minor(s) at any time, select Degree Audit from the Courses & Grades list on the Student Records page.

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Current course list

The MyUI Schedule displays registered courses for a particular session and is available to enrolled students. The list view includes course instructors, time and location, and features to drop courses or change sections.