If you would like to cross-list a course with the Department of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies, please make a formal request to the department. We often cross-list courses in which women, gender, sexuality and social justice are significant and integrated throughout the syllabus, course materials, and assignments. The GWSS curriculum committee considers (on an ad-hoc basis) requests for cross-listing of courses at the graduate or undergraduate level. 

Requirements for Cross-listing

All requests must include a document approximately one page in length that includes the following:

  • the complete number and title of course, its administrative home and any existing cross-listing numbers
  • the frequency with which the course is taught
  • the next semester when it will be offered
  • the name(s) of course instructors
  • whether the course satisfies a GE requirement
  • one paragraph that responds to the questions below
    • How do you see this course enhancing the BA in GWSS, the BA in Social Justice, or the Graduate Certificate in GWSS?
    • How would this course complement and/or overlap with existing courses?
    • How might the course address the learning goals of the most relevant degree program, as outlined in the General Catalog.

In addition, please also provide a copy of the most recent syllabus. If the course is new and no complete syllabus exists, a document that includes a draft course description, types of assignments, and a list of key authors/texts/course materials may be submitted in lieu of the syllabus.

Please send these documents to Lindsay Vella at lindsay-vella@uiowa.edu.