Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Research Colloquium poster

You are invited to attend the first event in the GWSS Research Colloquium series. Dr. David Gooblar will be presenting "Imaginary Students, Imagined Classrooms: A Frame for Understanding Inequities in the College Classroom." Understanding why marginalized students struggle in our classrooms requires first understanding how students see those classrooms—and how we see those students. In an excerpt from a book project on the ways in which better teaching can help colleges get closer to equity, this talk will lay out how students’ preconceived notions of professors and their classrooms, and professors’ often outdated ideas of who students are, necessitate an identity-conscious pedagogy that explicitly addresses difference and the effects of societal inequality.

David Gooblar is an assistant professor of English and Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies. His scholarship focuses on college pedagogy and equity, and he teaches about higher education, writing and research, and American literature. His most recent book is The Missing Course: Everything They Never Taught You About College Teaching.

Brown bag lunches are welcome. Cookies will be provided.