Thursday, March 23, 2023

Naomi Greyser, associate professor of Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies, and American Studies, has received a P3 Post-Tenure Faculty Support award from teh University of Iowa. This initiative provides tenured mid-career faculty with tailored career development support to ensure their successful career renewal or redirection, propel them towards promotion to full professor, and position them for a future as productive senior faculty with capacity for leadership. Colleges can request targeted support for select mid-career faculty in strategic priority areas who are 5–8 years post-tenure, have had a five-year peer review, and need career development support due to waning productivity or other evidence of momentum loss post-tenure. These funds may be used to support career development, including protected time, travel and publication, skill development, networking, and mentoring or training for developing a new career pathway. This is not designed to take the place of bridge funding mechanisms nor to substitute for a professional development assignment (PDA) or other research leave.