The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) has selected the winners of the 2022 Arts and Humanities (AHI) grants, which support humanities scholarship and work in the creative, visual, and performing arts. Of the 6 faculty selected, 2 are from GWSS.

E Cram, Assistant Professor or Communication Studies, and Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies, was awarded $6,623 for their project Disability Ecologies of Care and Memory. Their AHI project will examine the collaborative community process of restoring the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm (JCHPF), an Iowa public historical site, and how this process reframes discussions of relationships between disability and environmentalism.

Corey Creekmur, Associate Professor of Cinematic Arts, and Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies, was awarded $7295 for his project Anatomy of the American Comic Book. This project will analyze the historical evolution and cultural significance of each of the component parts of this familiar yet easily overlooked object, ranging from eye-catching covers to advertisements and letter columns to changes in paper quality and color printing.
Congratulations, Professors Cram and Creekmur!