Friday, October 29, 2021

The Alpha of Iowa chapter is pleased to announce that the following students have been invited to accept membership in academic honor society Phi Beta Kappa.

Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies: Shimin Park

Social Justice: Sophie Sheeder

The Phi Beta Kappa Society is the oldest and most prestigious undergraduate honors organization in the United States. Since 1776, election to Phi Beta Kappa has been a recognition of academic achievement. The Greek initials for the society's motto of Philosophiae Biou Kubernetes ("Love of learning is the guide of life") were used to create the name Phi Beta Kappa. The Alpha of Iowa chapter was chartered at the University of Iowa’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in 1895. 

Outstanding students who are eligible are invited to join the Society each semester. Every student inducted into the Society receives a lifetime membership in Phi Beta Kappa. Members receive a personalized membership certificate and graduation cord for the induction ceremony each spring.

The faculty and staff of the Department of Gender, Women's & Sexuality studies send our heariest congratulations to these fine students.